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- Create Date 6-March-2020
- Last Updated 6-March-2020
Note: This test review was published by BPS on 23rd May 2008
Description of the Test
The Management Culture Orientations Questionnaire (MCOQ) forms part of the Culturemetrics Assessment System (CAS), which is largely a computer based system designed to assess an individuals work mind-set via their core work attitudes and beliefs. The MCOQ focuses on work attitudes at managerial levels and the authors report that their intention was to produce a practical culture diagnostic tool to aid managers to make decisions at team and organisational levels. It has primarily been used as a tool for personal development, team and leadership development and organisational interventions. It was developed following the analysis of repertory grids (used to identify the factors important for superior management performance) derived from a variety of people working in a wide range of enterprises. It measures 20 work orientations via a semi-ipsative format with each factor assessed 16 times. The questionnaire can be administered both by computer and pencil and paper, scoring is by computer . Examples of work orientation measured include: Goal Strong sense of purpose Company Commitment believes in the company Achievement Determined to succeed Social Relations Socially aware and sensitive towards others Leadership Inspires others to do what is right for the organisation The 20 work orientations are further grouped into 9 combined culture orientations (e.g. Direction, Staff Capacity and Results Driven). The reports generated combine a Sten score profile with a description of what each scale score means in terms of the orientation that a High/Average/Low score may imply, together with the culture or management role the person is likely to be most suited to. There is also a facility for producing a Target Profile against which an individuals profile may be matched. The Target Profile is pre-determined by selecting a subset of work orientations considered important and the range within which the individual score should fall.
Test Publisher: Centre for Corporate Culture
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