IPI Aptitude Series


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  • Create Date 6-March-2020
  • Last Updated 6-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 20th December 2004

Description of the Test

The IPIAS is a collection of short (six min.) tests, most of which are concerned with specific aptitudes, abilities and knowledge about specific job terms. Two are personality tests and are, therefore, not reviewed here. The tests can be used individually or to make up a battery. The IPI series includes the following 15 tests: Judgement; Numbers; Parts (nonverbal ability); Perception (checking task); Fluency; Memory (visual, verbal and numbers); Blocks (spatial ability); Dimension (spatial ability); Tools (knowledge of tools); Precision (checking/inspection); Dexterity (paper-and-pencil dexterity); Motor (apparatus dexterity); Office Terms; Sales Terms; and Factory Terms (knowledge of work-related vocabulary). The current specimen set includes 13 of these (Sales Terms and Factory Terms are omitted). Apparatus for the Motor Test is not included (though the instruction sheet is). There are two main manuals. The first is the Clerical Administration Battery Technical Manual, which covers seven of the tests (Fluency, Judgement, Memory, Numbers, Office Terms, Parts, and Perception). The second is the Factory/Mechanical Battery Technical Manual, which covers six tests (Blocks, Dexterity, Dimension, Motor, Precision, and Tools). There is also a separate short Computer Programmer Test ExaminerÂ’s Manual, which uses a subset of the Clerical Battery Tests. In addition, profile forms are available for various job fields (e.g. Entry-Level Computer Programmer, Secretary, Office Machine Worker, Unskilled/Semi -skilled Worker). For each job field, a group of tests is recommended from the above to make up a battery which has been shown to be the most relevant (predictive) for each job type.

Authors: J.E. King

Test Publisher: Industrial Psychology Inc.

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