- File Size 79.99 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 5-March-2020
- Last Updated 5-March-2020
Note: This test review was published by BPS on 11th June 2013
Description of the Test
The General Reasoning International Test (GRIT) is a general purpose test of reasoning ability which provides scores on four scales: General Ability; Verbal Ability; Numerical Ability; and Spatial Ability. The spatial ability scale also includes items which measure other types of non-verbal ability. The test is primarily intended for use in work and occupational settings and is aimed at executive, managerial and professional level staff. The design of the items in the test is based on a simplified version of Guildfords Structure of the Intellect (SI) model (e.g. Guilford, 1967). The test covers three of the four content categories (semantic, symbolic and figural), three of the five mental operations categories (cognition, memory and convergent thinking) and five of the product categories (units of information, classes of information, relations between units, systems of information and transformation) from this early version of the SI model. Later versions (e.g. Guilford, 1988) had more categories in the model. For GRIT, this combination of categories produces 45 different types of task and one question is written for each type of task. There are three versions of the test (A, B and C) and these are available in 22 languages. The test is only delivered online and the scoring and reporting are automated. The test is timed (30 minutes) and has a total administration time of approximately 40 minutes with a further 10 minutes preparation time. The assessment requires a computer which should have at least a 15 inch screen and an internet connection.
Authors: Dr Adrian Atkinson & Dr Christine Jones
Test Publisher: Human Factors International
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