Advanced Sales Questionnaire


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  • Create Date 26-February-2020
  • Last Updated 26-February-2020

Note: This test review was done by BPS on 21st November 2007

Description of the Test

The Advanced Sales Questionnaire (ASQ) is a self-report personality questionnaire designed for sales posts and roles that involve a high degree of client relationship management. It aims to measure only personality traits that are likely to have an impact upon success or failure in a variety of sales roles. A ‘Response Style’ scale has been added to the current edition. The ASQ questionnaire consists of 110 of statements relevant to sales roles. For each statement, candidates must indicate their level of agreement with that statement on a five-point scale. Candidates typically complete the questionnaire within 20 minutes. The questionnaire can be administered in three different ways: on-line, off-line or in a paper-and-pencil format. Administration in both supervised testing conditions and unsupervised testing conditions are both supported. Questionnaire responses are scored electronically – either directly from the candidate's’ responses or after the administrator has keyed in the responses from a paper administration. The results of the questionnaire are interpreted by a computer expert system, which generates customised reports from the candidate’s profile. It is possible to generate a feedback report for the candidate and a report for trained users describing the test taker’s scores and their implications for success in a sales position, including suggestions for possible lines of enquiry in an interview. The ASQ has 10 scales relating to different aspects of sales behaviour and an eleventh ‘Response Style' Scale. The scales are: Adaptability: preference for flexibility and variety Caring: concern for others Confidence: belief in own competence and assurance in interacting with others Conformity: preference for and compliance with a structured environment Decisiveness: risk-taker rather than cautious approach Dominance: assertiveness, tendency to take the lead Drive: ambition, drive and determination Independence: preference for work without guidance and support Quality: organisation and attention to detail Resilience: coping with pressure and setbacks Response style: tendency to respond in a socially desirable manner.

Test Publisher: Kenexa

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