In order to allow for further knowledge and discussion, we conduct a 15-minute question and answer session with our guest speaker. In this case, there were a lot of participants wanting to question Mr. Klaasen after his intriguing webinar, and their queries were addressed at the end of the presentation. We highly encourage you not to overlook this section of the webinar, as many questions are those that are frequently asked and could clear any doubts remaining in your mind as well.

Mr. Klaasen addresses a majority of questions that were related to factors within the paradoxes, the matrices present for each paradox, or ways to develop in a leadership position after being made aware of these issues. Some of the questions include the difference between ambiguity and chaos, if family businesses experience more paradoxes than MNCs, if cynical and blind optimism can co-exist, and many more questions that made for an informative discussion between the participants, later on.