Vienna Test System: TAVTMB


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  • Create Date 16-March-2020
  • Last Updated 16-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 23rd May 2008

Description of the Test:

The Vienna Test System is a computerised collection of tests and assessments that can be used alone or combined as batteries of tests. The system contains 74 instruments covering work, health and education and categorised as Intelligence, General Ability, Special Ability, Personality Structure, Attitude and Interests and Clinical tests. Many of the tests are multi-lingual with the majority being in German and English. Those tests that are produced in the English Language and have not been reviewed elsewhere are reviewed here as individual tests. The Tachistoscopic Traffic Test (TAVTMB) is a measure of visual perception performance and perceptive speed relating to short presentations of traffic situations. The test is computer administered and scored. The test items consist of photographs of traffic situations that are presented to participants for one second only. After a traffic situation has been displayed, participants are asked to identify which of a number of elements were present in the picture (pedestrians/children, motor vehicles, bicycles/motorbikes/scooters, road signs and traffic lights). Participants can select as many elements as they wish and pictures typically contain multiple elements. Although the test consists of traffic situations, the solution to the items presented does not require any specific driving knowledge, only familiarity with typical urban traffic scapes. There are two test forms, one for countries with right hand traffic and a reversed form for countries with left hand traffic (including UK). Both test forms are the same length. The test begins with 2 practice items (traffic situations) where the answers are provided after the participant has responded. The participant is then presented with 20 traffic situations to respond to in turn. The test does not have a time limit, but takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Scoring consists of three main variables. Firstly, the count of the number of traffic situations where the participant correctly identified all elements present in the picture without selecting any elements that were not present. Secondly, the total number of elements correctly identified across all traffic situations and thirdly, the total number of elements incorrectly identified across all situations. All three variables are normed using percentiles and T-scores. The results are presented in a computer-based report in Microsoft Word (tm) format.

Authors: Bernd Biehl; Wolfgang Neuwith

Test Publisher: SCHUHFRIED GmbH

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