HJ5 Sales and Service Staff Selector


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  • Create Date 5-March-2020
  • Last Updated 5-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 9th March 2005

Description of the Test

HJ5 is intended to measure the behavioural traits that characterise effective meet-the- public sales personnel in the retail and service sectors. The authors assert that they intend ‘to create a highly “applied” behavioural questionnaire to psychometric principles without the result being “psychological” in definition or terminology’ and disclaim any attempt to measure personality. Five scales were derived from analysis of information collected in the course of job analysis in the retail and service sectors. The authors’ aim was to produce a simple self-report measure that would differentiate applicants having appropriate behavioural characteristics for work in meet-the-public positions. The five scales are: 1. Persuasive/confidence. 2. Likes people/happy to serve. 3. Alert. 4. Responsible/tidy-minded. 5. Stable. These scales have not been related to current personality theory or to existing measures of personality. The instrument has 50 three-choice questions, 10 for each of the five scales; the scoring sheet is pre-coded to permit summing into raw scores for the five scales, and then into normed A-E scores for each. This produces a profile for a candidate. The authors recommend a non-linear approach to these scores, in that they assert that the optimal position for sales staff is not necessarily the highest score on each scale: rather they suggest that the top score may prove ‘over-the-top’. The scores may also be totalled into a single predictive score.

Authors: Malcolm Hatfield & Michael Jefferies

Test Publisher: Hatfield Jefferies

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