Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Managerial)


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Note: This test review was done by BPS on 3rd February 2009

Description of the Test

Emotional Intelligence: A domain described by Goleman (1996). as ‘being in touch with feelings, and able to handle them effectively. Being self-motivated to perform at peak levels, with creativity and ability to achieve tasks. The ability to sense what others are feeling, and handling relationships effectively’. The EIQ is designed to be used in a work setting as part of a selection, or developmental process. The EIQ is a 69-item self-report questionnaire completed under untimed conditions. It usually takes between 15 and 30 minutes to complete the questionnaire whether or is being completed by the candidate or as part of a 360 degree report. The instrument follows a recent resurgence of interest in Emotional Intelligence. Research into the subject and its manifestation into emotional competence supports its relationship with success and performance. There is a general consensus that emotional competence refers to knowing about your feelings; and how to marshal these feelings to best effect both in your own performance as an individual, and in order to meet organisational goals coupled with an empathy for the feelings of others, which leads to successful relationships. The EIQ breaks down the domain of emotional intelligence into seven separate elements. An overall emotional intelligence score is also produced. The seven elements are: Self-awareness: The awareness of one’s own feelings and the ability to recognise and manage these feelings in a way which one feels that one can control. This also involves having self-belief in the ability to manage one’s emotions and to control their impact in a work environment. Emotional resilience: The ability to perform consistently in a range of situations under pressure and to adapt behaviour appropriately. Motivation: The drive and energy to achieve clear results and make an impact and, also, to balance short- and long-term goals with an ability to pursue demanding goals in the face of rejection or questioning. Interpersonal Sensitivity: The facility to be aware of, and take account of, the needs and perceptions of others in arriving at decisions and proposing solutions to problems and challenges. Influence: The ability to persuade others to change a viewpoint based on the understanding of their position and the recognition of the need to listen to this perspective and provide a rationale for a change. Intuitiveness formerly Decisiveness: The ability to arrive at clear decisions and drive their implementation when presented with incomplete or ambiguous information using both rational and ’emotional’ or insightful perceptions of key issues and implications. Conscientiousness: The ability to display clear commitment to a course of action in the face of challenge and to match ‘words and deeds’ in encouraging others to support the chosen direction. The personal commitment to pursuing an ethical solution to a difficult business issue or problem. Norms in the form of Stens are presented for both UK managers and an international sample to point to areas to build on or areas for improvement. A computer generated report gives the individual feedback in terms of descriptions and a profile, plus some ideas for development planning in the areas highlighted.

Authors: V. Dulewicz and M. Higgs

Test Publisher: GL Assessment

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