Margerison-McCann Linking Skills Profile


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  • Create Date 6-March-2020
  • Last Updated 6-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS in 2005

Description of the Test

The Linking Skills Profile is complementary to the authors’ Team Management Profile. It is a 360 degree measure requiring ratings from the person themselves, the person’s supervisor and at least 1 group of colleagues. The authors describe it as “a multi rater coaching and development tool that focuses on the fundamental skills that link people and tasks, plus key leadership elements”. The 13 key management skills that are measured were identified through discussion with a large number of managers and team members as the essential success factors in a team. They fall into three areas: People, Task and Leadership Linking Skills. The model specifies six basic people linking skills, which are deemed to be important to all team members. There are a further five task linking skills that are considered relevant to those in more senior positions in a team. Two further, leadership linking skills are considered necessary for team leaders. The different linking skills are specified below: The Linking of People: Active Listening, Communication, Team Relationships, Problem Solving and Counselling, Participative Decision Making and Interface Management The Linking of Tasks: Work Allocation and Preferences, Team Development, Delegation, Objectives Setting and Quality Standards Leadership Linking: Strategy and Motivation There are thus three versions of the measure: one for people, one for tasks and one for leadership. Translations of the measure are available in a number of languages. The questionnaires should be completed by the individual, and a minimum of four others, to provide feedback on the individual’s linking skills. All raters are asked to indicate the extent to which certain activities should occur and the extent to which they actually do occur, in relation to the individual of interest. Ratings are then summarised in a number of ways, which include: Satisfaction Ratings: comparison of ratings of the extent to which skills are actually shown with the extent to which they should be shown (expressed as a percentage) Importance Ratings: importance of skills (expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible and as a ranking against other skills) Quantitative Report: item by item reporting of ratings of behaviours with gap analysis and range reporting Scoring of the measure can be achieved only by computer, (using either the TMS bureau service or dedicated PC software). The primary output is a report of between 17 and 33 pages (the length dependent on which version is used), combining narrative with graphics. Standard development suggestions are provided for each scale with an indication of the extent to which that area might be a development need or opportunity. These suggestions are based primarily on the gap between self and other ratings for one or more types of respondent. The report is presented in a straightforward format with an overview, scale by scale analysis with development suggestions and detailed reporting of individual items. An accompanying guide provides a platform for setting development objectives. Emphasis is given in the Ethical Guidelines appended to the Accreditation Guide on the need to provide appropriate feedback support to individuals. Some guidance on how to do this is provided in the body of the Guide.

Authors: Dr C M Margerison & Dr D J McCann

Test Publisher: TMS Development International Ltd.

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