Work Profile Questionnaire


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  • Create Date 16-March-2020
  • Last Updated 16-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 18th August 2006

Description of the Test:

The Work Profile Questionnaire is said to be occupationally oriented. The adjectives themselves are from a general lexicon. The interpretations are only related to work in a most general and abstract way. The instrument consists simply of adjectives. It is difficult to specify which of the above domains the adjectives cover. The Work Profile Questionnaire is one member of the suite of instruments that comprises the Manchester Personality Questionnaire. It is an adjective checklist variant of the MPQ5. It consists of a list of 100 adjectives with a five-choice response format, from ‘1 – describes me very accurately’ to ‘5 – describes me not at all’. The publishers claim that the WPQ is designed to look at work preferences and identify situations in which individuals are most likely to flourish and be effective. The report looks at these strengths and preferences under five broad headings: 1 Communications style 2 Emotions 3 Drive and determination 4 Thinking style 5 Relationships with people In the pencil-and-paper version, the answer sheets have in-built scoring keys. Test administrators are able to plot questionnaire results on normal profile sheets to give an instant result.

Test Publisher: Central Test

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