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- Create Date 14-June-2013
- Last Updated 16-March-2020
Note: This test review was published by BPS on 14th June 2013
Description of the Test:
TEIQue is a multiscale, self assessment measure of trait emotional intelligence. It contains 153 items which are rated on a 7 point Likert rating scale anchored at the ends with disagree completely and agree completely. Scores are normed against a sample of the UK population. A global score, of general emotional functioning, is provided, plus scores for 4 factors: Well-being: how happy, positive and fulfilled a person is Self-control: how well a person regulates external pressure and stress and controls impulses Emotionality: capacity to perceive and express emotions and use insight into emotions to develop and sustain close relationships with others Sociability: how socially skilled a person is and how clearly and confidently they can communicate with others Each of these factors is further broken down into 3 or 4 facets: Well-being: Self-esteem, Trait happiness and Trait optimism Self-control: Emotion Regulation, Stress management and Impulse Control Emotionality: Emotion perception (self and others), Emotion expression, Relationships and Trait empathy Sociability: Social awareness, Emotion management (others) and Assertiveness There are also two independent facets Adaptability and Self-motivation making 15 facets altogether. In addition there are a number of response style measures including a single item honesty self-report, and measures of central tendency, random responding and a veracity index which produce warning flags for certain types of responding. TEIQue can be completed online or in paper and pencil format. Scoring always requires entry of responses into the online system. Results are provided via a computer generated report which is designed to be shared with respondents. Intended applications include work and life coaching, talent development, appraisals, leadership training, measuring organisational commitment, organisational change and behaviour, recruitment and selection, employee morale and team building.
Authors: Dr. K.V. Petrides
Test Publisher: Thomas International Ltd.
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