In today’s digital age, we have information at our fingertips. Whether it is a quick question on our favourite search engine, a tweet, news blogs, and/ or scholarly articles. The consumption of knowledge is more significant than ever before, but what is the trade-off we are making in terms of our privacy? A major concern in our privacy on the …
Using Games To Hire: Moving Beyond Conventional Hiring Practices
With digitalization shaping the corporate and social contexts, formation of human capital has taken the main stage in the matter of adopting digital recruitment and management practices in organizations. One of the most recent developments we can see in organizations is the use of Game-Based Assessments, or GBAs, in hiring. The hiring process has included and been influenced by behavioral …
You Are Not As Smart As You Think You Are
You can simply find anything you want to learn over internet today. Obama’s captivating style of presenting, Bill gates way of simplicity in dressing, Elon musk’s way of designing tesla, Ratan Tata’s humility and charitable activities, all of these can be simply known through a simple google search. With clear instructional guidelines we have learned to cook recipes, learn languages …
Digital Collaboration And Employee Affiliation Patterns
Rahul joined us as a management trainee in 2005. He was one of our most bright and most cheerful youngsters in the team. He always had a smile on his face, made sure to greet each one of us in the morning, during coffee breaks, and during lunch meetings, was very participative during team meetings, and fun activities and he …