Vienna Test System: STROOP


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  • Create Date 16-March-2020
  • Last Updated 16-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 6th October 2008

Description of the Test:

The Vienna Test System is computerised psychological assessment tool containing a range of computerised tests that cover the work, health and educational fields. These tests are available in several languages and can be administered as individual tests or in a test battery consisting of multiple tests. The tests are categorised as Intelligence, Special Intelligence, Special Ability, Personality Structure, Special Personality, Objective Personality, Attitudes & Interest and Clinical. The Stroop Interference Test (STROOP) is a computerised version of the classic Colour-Word interference effect identified by Stroop (1935). It is a sensory-motor speed test that assesses perceptual speed when reading colour-words (e.g. the words “Red” and “Green”) and naming colours that a word is written in. First of all, the test measures two experimental conditions, which are used as performance “baselines”: (1) reading speed of colour-word and (2) colour naming speed. It then measures two interference conditions: (1) “reading interference”: reading speed when the colour-word is presented in a different colour (for example, the word “Red” is presented in green font colour) and (2) “naming interference”: colour naming speed when the font colour and the colour-word do not match. Participants are instructed to select the correct colour option as fast as possible and and to ignore the meaning of the word. There is no enforced time limit to complete the test. The goal of the test is to measure an interference tendency . In the catalogue it is described as "the ability to inhibit overlearned answers to simple tasks". Four versions of the test are available, which vary according to the input medium and/or instructions to the participant. Three of the versions consist of the same four test parts (512 items in total) with the only variation being the input medium (light pen, keyboard or touch-screen) and instructions (participant does or does not name the colour aloud at the same time as responding). The remaining version is completed using a keyboard and is shorter (256 items) with only two test parts, differentiating between “congruent” items (colour and meaning of word match) and “incongruent” items (colour and meaning of word do not match). The main scoring variables are reading interference (the different in reaction times between the reading interference condition and reading baseline) and naming interference (the difference in reaction times between the colour naming interference condition and the colour naming baseline). These variables are normed using percentiles and T scores. Additional variables provided consist of the median reaction times and number of incorrect answers for each test part. The results are presented in a computer-based report that can be exported into Word. The STROOP test can be completed using a light pen (Test Form S4), a touch-screen (Form S10) or a keyboard (Forms S7 and S8). Special keyboard panels and light pens can be obtained from the test publisher. If a standard keyboard is used, it is advised that the relevant keys used should be marked with coloured stickers, as the test requires participants to select the correct colour for the item presented.

Authors: G. Schuhfried

Test Publisher: SCHUHFRIED GmbH

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