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  • Last Updated 14-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 2nd March 2006

Description of the Test:

The authors’ aim was to provide a clear and simple approach to personality assessment. They did not attempt to measure the entire personality domain, but only those scales that were seen as specifically relevant to the workplace. Psygna was developed over a period of 10 years. It is a multi-trait, normative, self-report personality questionnaire with 10 bipolar scales. The underlying constructs, based on those measured by existing personality questionnaires, including the 16PF, were confirmed by factor analysis. They were chosen because of their relevance to a wide variety of different work environments, and their relevance to motivation, job satisfaction and productivity. The questionnaire consists of 157 items with a three-point scale (‘true’, ‘uncertain’, ‘false’). Each scale has 13-16 items, which are balanced for motivational distortion. In addition, there is a social desirability scale. A high score on the conformity scale can be interpreted as distortion. Another validity check is the infrequency scale. The results describe a person’s profile across the 10 scales. The manual provides descriptions of the scales for interpretation purposes and also guidance on the significance of interactions between the scales. It has been designed for use in six areas: selection; management development; team building; career counselling; training; and management of change.

Authors: R. Budd, S. Fletcher, C. Williams-Gunn, A. Day, R. Hall

Test Publisher: Business Minds UK

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