Office Systems Battery


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  • Create Date 11-March-2020
  • Last Updated 11-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 20th December 2004

Description of the Test:

The OSB was designed to bridge a gap between traditional clerical tests and workplace simulations. It is intended to be used for the selection of office administrators and office managers. The OSB contains six tests, the contents of which are derived from a common scenario. It is designed to provide measures both of the individual skills associated with each test and the ability to integrate these skills. The six sub-tests are ‘Staff Details’ (60 items with a 5 min. time limit); ‘Seed Categories’ (60 items in 5 min.); ‘Calculations’ (30 items in 7 min.); ‘Cost Calculations’ (30 items in 10 min.); ‘Card Checking’ (30 items in 10 min.) and ‘Memory’ (30 items in 7 min.). There are four versions of the Memory Test; the one chosen depends on which other tests have been taken by the candidate.

Authors: R. Childs

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