McCann Window on Work Values Profile


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  • Create Date 6-March-2020
  • Last Updated 6-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 5th July 2006

Description of the Test

The Window on Work Values Profile has been created specifically for the workplace. Based on the research of Dr D McCann, it is a 64 item self-report questionnaire designed to elicit a hierarchy of value types for an individual. A total of 8 different value types are assessed by the measure; these are Compliance, Conformity, Collectivism, Equality, Empowerment, Independence, Individualism and Authority. These 8 value types fall within 2 higher level constructs – Organisational Constraint versus Organisational Freedom, and Self Focus versus Group Focus. The Organisational Constraint / Organisational Freedom construct measures the extent to which someone values organisational rules and procedures that promote stability and order, rather than self-reliance and self-accountability, where people are free to pursue outputs and outcomes in their own way. The Self-Focus / Group-Focus construct measures the extent to which a person values personal or group goals. The model is represented graphically as follows: There are four quadrants, divided by two orthogonal axes. The north south axis defines values running from organisational constraint in the north, to organisational freedom in the south. The west east axis runs from a focus on the self in the west, to a focus on the group in the east. The quadrants are further subdivided to provide the eight value-type circular model. The resulting profile is designed to be used to help individuals understand what motivates them in the workplace, to help them understand also how they are likely to interact with others at work, and particularly to help them understand their behaviour in a team context. The author of the questionnaire also suggests that it can be used to help explain to people why they may have problems interacting with some of their work colleagues.

Authors: Dr. D. J. McCann

Test Publisher: TMS Development International Ltd.

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