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  • Create Date 5-March-2020
  • Last Updated 5-March-2020

Note: This test review was published by BPS on 1st January 2016

Description of the Test

Facet5 is a personality measure that draws from five factors of personality. Measured under the five factors are 13 sub−factors, using 106 items presented in the semantic differential format. This format uses a five−point scale anchored by 'implicit opposite' descriptions. The five factors are: Will (containing the sub−factors of Determination, Confrontation, Independence), Energy (containing the sub−factors of Vitality, Sociability and Adaptability), Affection (containing the sub -factors of Altruism, Support and Trust), Control (containing the sub−factors of Discipline and Responsibility) and Emotionality (containing the sub−factors of Tension and Apprehension). Emotionality is seen as a factor that affects the interpretation of the other factors.

Facet5 additionally includes an Impression Management scale, based on an analysis of response latency to individual items.

Items were generated using repertory grid studies with managers in UK organisations, with content going through a series of reviews before being trialled. In the current version of the assessment only 83 of the 106 items are scored and contribute to the factor and sub−factor scores, with the remaining 23 being used for research purposes. Responses to Facet5 are interpreted through norm referencing, and a range of norm groups are available to the user. A range of computer−generated reports are also available which include summaries and details of the profiles, and sections focussed on competencies, leaderships and work preferences. Users have access to an administration panel for sending invites to complete Facet5 and for generating reports. Reports can be customised by specifying which sections are to be included in the final report. The same platform gives access to a knowledge−base that supports users in their application of Facet5. A recent addition is the Facet5 app, that allows respondents to enter their profile and overlay it against the profile of another respondent, identifying the expected patterns of interaction and for each factor identifying possible benefits, frustrations, risks and challenges. It also allows comparison with the 'national character data' of 42 countries. Additional tools are also available to complement the Facet5 assessment, including Backdrop (which provides a matching of individuals to corporate culture), Audition (a job profiling and matching tool) and TeamScape (which incorporates Facet5 into a team development and 360 process).

Authors: Norman Buckley & Rebekah Williams

Test Publisher: Facet5 Ltd.

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