Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire EIQ16


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  • Create Date 5-March-2020
  • Last Updated 5-March-2020

Note: This test review was done by BPS on 21st September 2012

Description of the Test

The EIQ16 is a questionnaire designed to provide information about a person’s emotional intelligence. The questionnaire is intended to help people understand and develop their emotional skills and competencies to improve their performance and reach their potential. The EIQ16 questionnaire is based on a concept model of emotional intelligence very similar to the framework developed by Mayer, Salovey and Caruso (2002). This model used four key factors which in the EIQ16 are named as:
• Reading People (i.e. the ability to recognise emotions in oneself and others)
• Using Emotions (i.e. the ability to generate, use and feel emotion to communicate feelings and employ them in thinking and decision making);
• Understanding Emotions (i.e. the ability to appreciate emotional information and to realise how emotions combine and progress through relationship transitions); and
• Managing Emotions. (i.e. the ability to be open to feelings and to control them in oneself and others in order to advance personal understanding and growth).

Each factor has four scales (hence EIQ16) and the names of these 16 scales are:

Reading People (Self-Analysis , Analysis of Others , Self-Expression and Discrimination)

Using Emotions  (Thinking, Judgment, Sensitivity and Problem Solving)

Understanding Emotions (Symptoms, Causes, Complexity and Transitions)

Managing Emotions (Openness, Monitoring, Self-Control and Managing Others)

A further scale measures Impression Management (which assesses the candour of the test taker when taking the questionnaire).

The questionnaire is for use by adults in an occupational context or for counselling purposes, and has been designed for unsupervised computer-based administration. It consists of 136 items, with items rated on a 5-point Likert scale (from ‘strongly agree’, through ‘agree’, ‘unsure’, ‘disagree’ to ‘strongly disagree’). Instructions are given to “avoid the middle answer”. The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Normalised sten scores are automatically-generated for each of the scales, along with an overall Emotional Intelligence score and scores for the four factors. One type of report is available for the EIQ16 – the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Personal Competency Report. This is a scale-based feedback report, designed for test-takers and test users. A short form of the questionnaire is also available in the form of an App. This consists of 36 items, selected by factor-analysing the results of participants who had completed the longer version of the instrument, to cover the 4 broad factors. Percentile scores are provided for each of the 4 factors, and an overall Emotional Intelligence quotient is given. A 5-page App report is generated. No specific training is required for use of the instrument. A user manual is available.

Authors: Allan Cameron

Test Publisher: MySkillsProfile.com Ltd.

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